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  • Dear Dario                                            December 6, 2010
    Greetings from SMRA Sisters in Bangladesh. With gratitude I would like to thank you once again for the kind donation you have sent through Sister Progga for our preaching ministry among the poor and non-Christians in some areas.
    Your contribution is a big support for us.
    Friends who are making so many sacrifices for this donation, I thank them also for their generosity. You all are in our prayers.
    We are in the holy season of advent and Christmas is at hand. So I wish you, your family and all other friends, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2011.

    May our Babe Jesus bless all of you.
    With regards,
    Sister Mary Anita, SMRA.
    Superior General.

    Posted by mose @ 16:29


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